Download v5.5.0 for Windows (64 bit)
Minimum Version: Windows 7
Having trouble downloading in Chrome browser?
Try right-clicking the link and select "Open Link in Incognito Window"
Download v5.5.0 for Mac OS X (64-bit, Apple M)
Download v5.4.4 for Mac OS X (64-bit, Intel)
Not sure which Mac you have? Go to the Apple menu and select "About this Mac". The Chip/Processor will either be Apple M or Intel.
Minimum Required Version: iOS 12.0
Known Issues
[MacOS only] Card Designer: When selecting a color using the Color Picker, on the Eyedropper panel - "Sample Color Under Mouse" sometimes crashes PoolPass.
[MacOS 11, Big Sur] RFID: No devices are detected, fixed in version 5.0
Windows Quick Start Instructions​
If you have an existing version v3.4.0 or earlier, uninstall it using the Windows settings panel.
Download and run the Windows .exe install wizard.
If SmartScreen filter appears, select "More Actions" and "Run Anyway" (see FAQ about signed software).
Follow the instructions from the installer.
PoolPass will automatically start after the installation is complete.
You will be prompted for a folder to store the new database (use a new folder).
Select the File-Based type database if you are evaluating the software, or Cloud-based if you have signed up for an account.
Create a database password. This will be used each time you start up PoolPass.
If you are using a Cloud account, enter the credentials you were provided.
Additional help is available on the Help tab.
MacOS X Quick Start Instructions​
Download the .pkg file and open it.
Follow the instructions from the installer.
Run the PoolPass application from the Applications folder.
You will be prompted for a folder to store the new database (use a new folder).
Select the File-Based type database if you are evaluating the software, or Cloud-based if you have signed up for an account.
Create a database password. This will be used each time you start up PoolPass.
If you are using a Cloud account, enter the credentials you were provided.
Additional help is available on the Help tab.
Sample Import Database
To import a sample database (.csv file), first download one of the sample files below. Then go to the Configuration tab, select "Import Members", and select the downloaded sample file. You can also customize this file in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel.
Legacy Format (All versions)
Extended Format (Desktop Versions 5.2 and Web Portal Only)
Sample Card Designer Templates
To download sample card templates, visit the card page.
Barcode Scanner Instructions​
PoolPass should work with most USB barcode scanners. PoolPass automatically highlights barcode entry fields on each tab. Barcode scanners usually act like keyboards and pressing the trigger reads the code and enters the text into the highlighted field. You may need to configure your scanner to add <enter> or <return> after the scan is complete. The iOS version of PoolPass works with bluetooth barcode scanners.
Webcam Instructions​
PoolPass should work with most USB webcams, including the built in iSight cameras on Macs.
Version History​ (Windows/MacOS)
Initial public release
Database stores Member images, displays image on check-in
Image editor to load, crop, transform, and adjust Member images
Added feature to clear all member barcodes
Hotkeys to navigate between tabs
Button to manage recently checked-in Member
Webcam capture for Member images
Sound effects
Next and Previous Membership buttons
Prompt when unsaved changes may be lost
Various bug fixes
Support for cloud-based accounts
Graphs for Member usage and Memberships over time and by check-in location
Integrated mail composer/client
Named check-in locations (cloud mode)
Graph for Member frequency by time and day
Optional expiration date for Memberships
Optional limited entry passes for each Member
Highlighting changes during editing
Fixes bug with email addresses
Freeform notes stored for each Membership
More efficient database access
Cc and Bcc fields in Email
Visual calendar for date fields
Security improvements for cloud connections
Support for smaller screens with less resolution
Fixes bug with imported Member birthdays
Automatic check for new software version
Added saturation adjustment for image editor
Fixes (rare) bug with config file corruption
Fixes issue where webcam doesn't always close cleanly
Card designer/template creator
More member list filters: check in day, has image, valid email
Barcode suggestion tool (incrementing value or random)
Fixed bug with fonts on Member Use Frequency graph
Allow dash in barcode field (barcode takes precedence when checking in)
RFID cards and tags - scanning and check-in
Multiple members possible in each card template page
New, faster Windows installer
Cloud security updates
Adjustable Member Table column widths
Member birthdays older than 1901 do not show age value
New Page Setup dialog in card designer
Minor bug fixes to card designer
Improved workflow using tabs to jump through Membership fields
Fixed bug with occasional double entries in Member table after refresh (cloud mode only)
Kiosk mode
Added guest pass count column to Member List
New and updated hotkeys
Allow unicode characters in all fields except Membership ID
Automatic backups (file mode only)
New Membership search field in Member List tab
Create card images
Colored age text box in card designer
Check-in from Manage Memberships tab
Updated initial password entry dialog with options
Cloud security updates
Import/Export Membership Notes field in .csv files
Absolute x/y element positioning in Card Designer
Updates to support MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
Increased stored Member image resolution
Create generic member cards with incrementing barcode numbers
Minor cosmetic improvements
Fix bug where no cameras were detected on MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
Webcam capture window now can remain open indefinitely, allowing sequential Member image captures
Security improvements
New Windows Installer
Fix printer bug
Minor Card Designer updates including Open Recent Files
Fix email bug
Add occupancy counter and statistics graph
Fixed bug with Member frequency graph when database contains duplicate names
Bulk set or increment of Member Entry Passes
Fixed bug where focus did not return to barcode input after deducting from occupancy
Check-out Option
Guest Register Option
Member Notes field, visible at check-in
Filter Member Table by Members that are checked in
Activity Log (All-check in/out, guest pass usage)
Manual log entries
Log check-in/out mode (Barcode, Lookup, or RFID)
Export Log
Guest Pass Use Frequency chart
Set all Expiration dates in bulk
Option to use your own email client to email Members
Bulk check-out of all Members and zero occupancy for all locations
Date display option as ISO 8601 or US format
Updates to Card Designer including Emoji shapes
Address field has multiple lines
Suspend/Reinstate all Memberships
Fixing bug in Member reassign where the previous check-in times, current check-in status, and Member notes were not transferred.
Selectable Member Actions with filters in Member List
Member "relation" field with suggestions
Membership History timestamp interpretation now uses UTC instead of local time (cloud mode only)
Compatibility with Marketplace/Web Portal
Tickets statistics
Log for tickets
Multi-Member Check-in/Out
Filters for Active Membership and Members
Generate new Barcodes for all Members
Card designer improvements: select elements on canvas and adjust image color temp and lightness
Fixed RFID bug in macOS Big Sur
Adding Membership Type field
Bulk method to rename Membership Types across all Memberships
Updating Card Designer to support Membership Type and Member Relation fields in template
Improved Import and Export of Members to .csv file, many more fields included
Check restrictions on check in (cloud only, restrictions managed through web portal)
Delete locations
Added Emergency Contact field to Membership
Fixing Card Designer bugs in MacOS
RFID card scan bug fix
v5.4.2 and v5.4.3
Windows 11 update (Windows)
File saving bug fixes
Adding Limited Member feature